Insightful Findings of Our Latest Survey: A Journey Towards a Circular Economy

We are excited to share the outcomes of our latest survey, a collaborative initiative between RENAS and the ONS Foundation, conducted in August 2022. We aimed to delve deeper into the perspectives, readiness, and concerns of the ONS 2022 conference attendees regarding the energy industry’s transition to a Circular Economy.

Our findings, reflective of 440 registrants and participants, exhibit an overwhelming support for the transition to a Circular Economy, with more than 9 out of 10 attendees voicing their readiness for this transformation. This resounding approval marks an encouraging shift in the energy industry’s mindset, a clear commitment to putting action behind words.

It is noteworthy that 70% of the survey respondents are from energy companies, with a significant 80% in leadership roles. This demographic composition gives weight to the urgency expressed by half of the respondents who believe the transition toward a circular economy is moving too slowly. This sense of urgency, coupled with their influential roles within the industry, underscores the importance of our collective efforts to expedite this transition.

However, while the willingness is evident, concerns persist. A majority believe that a transition to a Circular Economy within the next five years is unrealistic, particularly for the oil and gas industry. The sentiment of urgency is palpable, with half of the respondents expressing that this transition is progressing too slowly. The reason? Many point towards a lack of adequate government intervention, be it in the form of regulations or incentives.

These insights lead us to a deeper understanding of three key mindsets – the Environmental Alarmist, the Command-and-Control, and the Goodwill Mindset – that govern our environmental endeavors. Our survey’s outcomes reveal a compelling need to shift from a potentially divisive or overly regulatory mindset to the Goodwill Mindset – a perspective rooted in responsibility, care, and positive change.

It is within this Goodwill Mindset that the Circular Economy finds its true potential. By focusing on education as a practical solution, we can drive real innovation, transforming goodwill into action. We envision the Circular Economy as a platform for consensus, innovation, and practical, sustainable change.
This survey serves not only as an overview of the current perspectives in our industry but also lays the groundwork for our collaborative efforts in catalyzing the necessary change. The findings provide us with crucial data to guide our dialogue, focusing on driving sustainable and practical solutions, essential for transitioning towards a Circular Economy. While the journey may be complex, the vision is clear. With collective goodwill and concerted action, the transformation towards a circular economy is a vision within our reach.