Bjørn Arild Thon



Bjørn Arild Thon is a pioneering force in the recycling and circular economy sector, utilizing his leadership positions to advocate for adopting circular economy principles across all segments of society. He has actively engaged with stakeholders, from boardrooms, academia, and policymakers to designers and end-of-life management teams, to ensure the circular economy transitions from a theoretical concept to practical implementation within businesses and governmental organizations.

With over two decades of industry experience, Thon has led RENAS, Norway’s leading producer responsibility and recycling enterprise, since 2014. He has actively promoted implementing circular principles into business workflows and governmental policies, solidifying RENAS’ position as a key contributor in the field.

In addition to his role at RENAS, Thon spearheaded the establishment of Circular Norway, an organization devoted to promoting the principles and practices of a circular economy. Motivated by the 2018 Circularity Gap Report published by Circle Economy in the Netherlands, Thon, along with the team at Circular Norway, introduced Norway’s first Circularity Report in 2020. The team is now set to be the first country to present a follow-up report in 2024, marking Norway’s ongoing commitment to advancing circularity.

Driven by a desire to ensure materials are valued rather than discarded, Thon lent his support to the establishment of Redoit. This innovative company seeks to simplify, secure, and increase transparency in reusing electronics otherwise considered waste. Inspired by successful platforms like and Craigslist, Thon envisions a thriving second-hand market for these electronic products.

Impressed by Madaster, an innovative online registry for materials and products used within the construction industry that originated in the Netherlands in 2017, Thon sought to introduce it to Norway. He understood the immense potential benefit to the Norwegian construction industry and beyond in carefully documenting every component used in infrastructure and building projects.

In his role at RENAS, Thon values the integration of diverse perspectives. In 2022, he collaborated with The ONS Conference, a premier forum that brings together global energy industry players, to conduct the industry’s first survey on the circular economy. This initiative revealed invaluable insights into the energy industry’s views on adopting the circular economy. In acknowledgment of his substantial contributions, Thon now serves on the ONS Energy Society Committee board.

Thon’s commitment to advancing the circular economy reaches into the business sector. He was part of the founding of Skift: Business Climate Leaders network, a business-led initiative aimed at accelerating the shift to a low-carbon economy. With more than 60 of Norway’s premier companies as its members, Skift actively collaborates to formulate and execute climate solutions, underlining the pivotal role that businesses play in promoting the green transition.While its primary focus is Norway, Skift acknowledges the global ramifications of the climate crisis and proactively engages in Nordic and European matters through strategic partnerships and collaboration. As a representative of both Skift and RENAS, Thon is a frequent participant in international delegations. He regularly meets with government leaders and multinational corporations, championing the principles of the circular economy as an essential solution to our environmental dilemmas.

Adding to his impressive career accomplishments, Thon is authoring a book titled “Let’s Get Practical: A Mindful Guide to the Circular Economy,” set for release on November 7. This publication promises to provide practical insights and guidance on implementing circular economy principles.

Bjørn Arild Thon remains steadfast in his commitment to the circular economy, continually bridging voices and driving solutions. His dedication and leadership fuel the ongoing transformation towards circular practices within Norway and beyond.