Torund Bryhn


Founder of Diotima Strategies and st. john's press

Torund Bryhn is a respected expert for her ability to collaborate with different voices to craft language that inspires action. With a multifaceted background spanning the energy sector, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), foreign affairs, public policy, arts, government, and NGOs, she has spent over two decades guiding various organizations to shape, recover, or enhance their profiles and reputations.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Bryhn saw that promoting the principles of the Circular Economy was essential for crafting a sustainable world. In collaboration with RENAS, Norway’s foremost electronic waste collection and recycling company, Bryhn contributed to the cause through comprehensive research and surveys. The objective was to capture the most compelling language on the Circular Economy that could spark interest and prompt action among the general public.

Her most notable work is her advocacy work for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for the last decade. Bryhn’s journey began at AGR Petroleum Services in 2011, where she spearheaded a powerful advocacy campaign for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). She went on to become the Director of Communications and Governmental Relations at Gassnova (the Norwegian state enterprise dedicated to realizing CCS), orchestrating initiatives such as the CCS Delegation to Washington DC, aimed to engage global experts in discussions about the importance of CCS. She led the efforts to simplify the language around CCS in the 2017 CCS-Safari campaign, resulting in international recognition. Her impactful efforts culminated in the collaborative “Beyond Acronyms” research project with the BI Norwegian Business School that was presented at the International Energy Association GHGT- 14 Conference in Melbourne, in 2018.

In the aftermath of her tenure at Gassnova, Bryhn transitioned to the role of Conference Director for the 2019 national conference, “Art of Framing Sustainability,” hosted by the BI Centre for Green Growth and the BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. The event fostered an inclusive discourse on sustainability, drawing from different perspectives. The conference highlighted insights from industry luminaries such as Dr. Frank Luntz, who is credited with popularizing the term ‘climate change’, Per Espen Stoknes, a renowned TED Global speaker noted for his expertise on the psychology of economical choices for climate change, and Bjørn Kjærand Haugland, the CEO of Skift, an initiative centered on climate change from a business perspective.

Bryhn’s expertise has been recognized at international conferences such as the GHGT-14, TCCS-10, and TCCS-11. She has also presented at influential gatherings in major global cities, including Brussels, London, Paris, Oslo, and Melbourne.

Equipped with a political background and a passion for the arts, Bryhn is deeply committed to addressing environmental issues. Her endeavor to facilitate dialogues stresses the need for collective action toward a sustainable world.

A holder of a Master’s Degree in Strategic Communications from Columbia University, Torund continues to leverage the power of thought leadership and dialogue for different voices in her work.